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Woo hoo! Thanks for joining the Microsoft Company Store

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Verify Store Pass

Before you can register, we need to validate your Store Purchase Pass.

Welcome Back

Looks like you already have a user account for the Microsoft Company Store, so you won't need to register again. If you remember the password you used when you originally registered, you can just login. If not, we can help you reset your password.

Pass Id/Customer Id must be provided!
Pass Authorization Code must be provided!

Confirm Country of Residence

For tax purposes, we must confirm your country of residence. This information is provided by the person who sent you the Friends and Family pass. By continuing, you agree that your country of residence is correct and you will be required to pay any taxes, as determined by the laws and regulations of your country and/or local jurisdiction, for your purchases in the Microsoft Company Store.

Purchase Pass Agreement

Software, games, and downloadable content purchased from the Company Store online, is intended for personal use and/or limited gift giving only. Resale for profit (that is, for a price higher than the friend or family member paid at the Company Store) is strictly prohibited. Trading or bartering (of software, games, and downloadable content purchased at the Company Store) for other goods or services is also strictly prohibited, regardless of the value of the goods or services received. Company Store purchases are not meant to be used as currency. Any violation of this policy may lead to disciplinary action, up to and or including immediate termination of the purchase pass, and the ability to receive a purchase pass in the future. Purchase passes or access to purchase passes may not be traded or sold. If you have been given this pass by anyone other than a Microsoft employee, please contact

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that you are not part of, or employed by any government agency. This includes but is not limited to: military officers, government employees, publicly funded school employees, teachers, police officers, firefighters or any other government officials.

You are allowed to order 6 copies of any one title per day.

This is NOT a Gift Certificate.

Credit Card Verification for Store Pass

Please enter your credit card information to verify and activate your store pass. You must use a personal credit card which matches the name used when registering for the store pass.

Please enter your credit card information to verify and activate your store pass. A single credit card may not be used to activate more than one store pass. By activating your store pass, you agree to save this credit card to your account registered in the Microsoft Company Store. For more information, please view our Privacy Policy.

This is for verification purposes only. No charges will be applied to your card.

Enter the full card number without spaces or dashes

Register New User

As a new user you'll need to give us a few details about yourself.

Total length of first and last name cannot be more than 35 characters.

If necessary, enter first and middle name/initial.

Please check city and postal code as one or more is incorrect. Together they are used to ensure the proper tax is applied.
Please check city and postal code as one or more is incorrect. Together they are used to ensure the proper tax is applied.
Please select a Tax Jurisdiction.
Email addresses do not match!
Phone appears to contain unusual characters!

User Name and Password

Password is not valid. Please see password rules.
Passwords do not match!